Monday, March 31, 2008

in the beginning...

Today Jeremy and I both signed up for May 18th's Bay to Breakers run in San Francisco. Tomorrow the price goes up, but I encourage any and all of you to join us! It should be an interesting/good time again. It's also hiking season again, which I am thrilled about! I am planning on Hetch Hetchy, Cloud's Rest, and Half Dome this year, and maybe some other jazz as well. I would like another coastal jaunt; anyone else interested?
Mr. Andrew Rap will be moving back to this vicinity fairly soon, and I am looking forward to that. Besides the Sunday nite ventures, we discussed the possibility of starting a band together... Which would be awesome, because I miss the heck out of being in a band! Playing music in front of people (solely for entertainment) is quite a rush. Now to figure out who else should join us...
My mom flew back to Idaho yesterday afternoon. I had a great time hanging out with her, and it was awesome to see my sister and brother-in-law for a bit too. Plus my mom is a better cook than your mom; it's true. Though today I made a sourdough/chicken/hot dijon/sweet-hot mustard/pepper jack toasted sandwich... It tasted rather divine, I am not going to lie. It sure is nice to have a toaster oven! And a blackboard in the kitchen... Turns out that is way cooler than I ever could have anticipated.
I highly recommend getting involved in serving the homeless in whatever community/town/city/area you are in, whether that be feeding them, clothing them, praying for them, or just hanging out with them. Being involved in that scene has led to so many relationships and stories that I never would have had otherwise... And despite the Turlock City Council being 3/5 a**hole, it has been a great experience. I do not get truly passionate about many things, but the homeless issue in Turlock and the surrounding area has become one of the things I get fired up about. It's about time people stepped up and did the right thing, regardless of religious, political, or social boundaries. It transcends any sort of superficial or worldly associations and obligations, and should really be looked at as a matter of being human; a problem of the heart. Do unto others. It's really the easiest choice to make.