I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays
So long sweet summer
I fell into you
Now you're gracefully falling away
So it's the end of summer. I haven't blogged since the beginning of summer... It was a busy and amazing time! Some highlights:
* Being in the weddings of close friends; Jeremy and Shandra's wedding, and Matt's wedding. I had a great time with the rest of the wedding parties and with the couples. Also, d.j.ing Mike's wedding was great too!
* Two weeks in Cambodia; absolutely a wonderful experience! So much to process... Easily the best thing I have ever done in my life.
* Hiking; Half Dome and Hetch Hetchy on back-to-back weekends, Mt. Tallac for my birthday. Swimming in the mountains was amazingly cold and fun.
* Seeing my parents and Grandma at Donner Lake... Meant a lot more this year with all that's been going on with my parents.
I have two Sundays left at c.g.c.c.... Change is afoot! I almost broke down while playing Sunday night; it's going to be tough not to have that outlet anymore. I got a job offer at Midtown Friends... And I want to do it. I am currently looking for another job in that area, so I can support myself. And that's about it! Go team.