Friday night I went to a gingerbread house making party at the old house. It's weird going there and having different people live there. I love those guys; it's just weird having it not be my place anymore even though it's been like 8 months since I've lived there. So that was good times, as was the after-party at my place (except for the broken bed that resulted). Saturday I went to a Friends Church district pastor's lunch in Williams, CA. I traveled with Tim and Pat, and met up with quite a few people there. It was great to meet up with some of the pastors I had met previously, as well as catching up with Ven and others from the co-op.
I came back into town, did powerpoint for Sunday morning, and went to the DFC Christmas dinner. Jenny and I had a good time laughing, then I headed out to a work party.
Sunday = church. Always. Plus Jayden's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese (he's 4 as of today!!!). Anyways, nothing exciting really... But whatever.
Come mid-January, the "band" has a retreat to play at Camp Chinquapin from Friday-Monday. It's a cool opportunity; the coolest thing is that we were practicing the Sunday after Thanksgiving for a few hours and while cleaning up Andrew, Eric and I were talking about how we would love the opportunity to play somewhere else, or for different people, or just something different for a change. The next day Andrew got a call from the associate pastor at Denair Naz, asking us if we could play their winter retreat. Apparently God wants us there! So that was an awesome spirit-thing, and we are all getting pretty pumped already; we have three weeks off before the next time we play, so we should be able to have at least a few practices in the meantime. God continues to amaze me with the doors he opens for me to continue to spread my love of music. I never planned on still playing for church at this point, and I sure as crap never anticipated being in charge. He pushes me in ways I never even imagined, and I am all the better for it.
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