So I have had a couple days to digest last weekend's gig at Camp Chinquapin. Some things I have determined or want to remember:
1) The right people were there. Our 2.5 hour jam on Sunday night would have been tough with more or different people there.
2) My band is not full of actors. We don't really act much different in church, the bar, or just at home. Maybe that's bad in some ways, but I think the honesty is key.
3) It has been a long time since I have cried, and even longer since something spiritual made me cry.
4) This band can do powerful things, if we can keep it together and get the opportunities.
5) This weekend reinforced my antisocial image.
6) I swear I felt a string break during Sunday night's set, but it never did... Thank you Jesus!
7) I called my mom on Monday night to tell her about all that happened, and I started crying again.
8) The Sunday night set/cigar break was one of the best nights I have ever had in my life. Ever.
9) Card games are enough to keep me occupied for hours if I am playing with the right people.
10) It doesn't matter what song you are playing as long as it is in the right spirit.
11) Getting my feet washed by people who are basically strangers is intense... and so humbling.
12) Seeing people dance and mosh to music you are playing is one of the coolest dang things ever.
13) I will never be able to put into words all the emotions and memories I got out of this last weekend.
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