these are from a list that my dad gave me years ago. i kept it, and formatted it nicely and gave it to him for father's day two years ago. i still read it now and again, just to keep my head on straight.
Ups and downs in intensity
Keep worshipping
Be the spiritual head
Pray daily
Always tithe
Know where you stand, don’t buckle… But listen
Do not be unequally yoked
Treat her like an angel
Virginity is the highest gift in marriage
Stay away from situations(before and after marriage)
The little things mean a lot
One time, one woman, no wandering
Love, cuddle, & touch without always expecting sex in return
No barbies
Like your job because it will affect home and you
Don’t quit when things get difficult… Give it reasonable time
If you need to ask for a raise or increased compensation or promotion, evaluate how you have performed, honestly. If you are satisfied with performance it may be time to move on
Be wise in your choices of changing jobs, promotions, and moves with a company
Don’t make $ the #1 object. The higher the income the more stress and less stability
Time to relax, not necessarily that which you do for fun
Make it a time you can think/reflect; a brain relax time.
It can be taxing physically
Don’t let it overtake time from real chores or duties
Ebbs and flows of life – enjoy it, each day is valuable
Remember, no matter what happens to you in normal life, “they” can’t kill you.
Do what is best for wife and children, put self aside
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